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The School Day

Please see below for the school day timings. Please note, the gate will open at 8:30, classroom doors are open at 8:40 and the gate will close at 8:45 for registration and for the day to start. Any children arriving after 8:45 will be marked as late. Please see further information on attendance on our website on the attendance tab. 

Year Group Start Time End of day Break  Lunch
Nursery  9:00 3:00 / 11:20-12:20
Reception  8:45 3:15 / 11:30-12:30
Years 1 + 2 8:45 3:15


Afternoon break 1:45-2:00pm

Year 1 11:45 - 12:30

Year 2 12:00-12:45

Years 3 + 4 8:45 3:15 10:50-11:05

Year 3 12:10-12:55

Year 4 12:20-1:05

Years 5 + 6 8:45 3:15 11:10 - 11:25 

Year 5 12:30-1:15

Year 6 12:35-1:20